As a parent, there are many ways you can help your child develop positive viewing habits. The following tips may help:
1. Set limitsLimit your child's use of TV, movies and video and computer games to no more than one or two hours per day. Do not let your child watch TV while doing homework. Do not put a television in your child's bedroom.
2. Plan your child's viewingInstead of flipping through channels, use a program guide and the TV ratings to help you and your child choose shows. Turn the TV on to watch the program you chose and turn it off when the program is over.
3. Watch TV with your childWhenever possible, watch TV with your child and talk about what you see. If your child is very young, she may not be able to tell the difference between a show, a commercial, a cartoon or real life. Explain that characters on TV are make-believe and not real.
Some "reality-based" programs may appear to be "real," but most of these shows focus on stories that will attract as many viewers as possible. Much of their content is not appropriate for children. News broadcasts also contain violent or other inappropriate material. If your schedule prevents you from watching TV with your child, talk to her later about what she watched. Better yet, record the programs so that you can watch them with your child at a later time.
4. Find the right messageEven a poor program can turn out to be a learning experience if you help your child find the right message. Some television programs may portray people as stereotypes. Talk with your child about the real-life roles of women, the elderly and people of other races that may not be shown on television. Discuss ways that people are different and ways that we are the same. Help your child learn tolerance for others. Remember, if you do not agree with certain subject matter, you can either turn off the TV or explain why you object.
5. Help your child resist commercialsDo not expect your child to be able to resist ads for toys, candy, snacks, cereal, drinks or new TV programs without your help. When your child asks for products advertised on TV, explain that the purpose of commercials is to make people want things they may not need. Limit the number of commercials your child sees by watching public television stations (PBS). You also can record programs and leave out the commercials or buy or rent children's videos or DVDs.
6. Look for quality children's videos and DVDsThere are many quality videos and DVDs available for children that you can buy or rent. Check reviews before buying or renting programs or movies. Information is available in books, newspapers and magazines, as well as on the Internet.
7. Give other optionsWatching TV can become a habit for your child. Help your child find other things to do with his time, such as playing; reading; learning a hobby, a sport, an instrument or an art; or spending time with family, friends or neighbors.
8. Set a good exampleYou are the most important role model in your child's life. Limiting your own TV viewing and choosing programs carefully will help your child do the same.
9. Express your viewsWhen you like or do not like something you see on television, make yourself heard. Write to the TV station, network or the program's sponsor. Stations, networks and sponsors pay attention to letters from the public. If you think a commercial is misleading, write down the product name, channel and time you saw the commercial and describe your concerns. Encourage publishers of TV guides to print ratings and feature articles about shows that are educational for children.
10. Get more informationThe following people and places can provide you with more information about the proper role of TV in your child's life:
Your pediatrician may have information about TV or can help you get it through the AAP.
Public service groups publish newsletters that review programs and give tips on how to make TV a positive experience for you and your child.
The parent organization at your child's school.
Parents of your child's friends and classmates also can be helpful. Talk with other parents and agree to enforce similar rules about TV viewing.
When used properly, television can inform, educate and entertain you and your family. By taking an active role in your child's viewing, you can help make watching TV a positive and healthy experience.